Privacy policy

Identification (the “Web”) edited by Nova Joieria Radresa (the “Company”), limited liability company (trade name Neus Bonada Joieria) with the administrators: Maria Neus Bonada Guerra and Gaspar Ybarra Montes; with a share capital of 250,000 Euros, registered in the Register of Companies of Girona, on sheet GI 45156, with registered office at number 40 of Carrer Sant Agustí, Torroella de Montgrí, Girona; phone number: 0034 972 759106. The website is hosted by the company Labsystems A & G, S.L., with registered office at number 14, 4t, Carrer Sant Joan de la Salle, 08022 Barcelona, telephone number: 0034 93 4581789.
Access to the Website, as well as the use of its content, are governed by the conditions of use described below. Accessing and browsing the Web constitutes, on the part of the Customer, an unreserved acceptance of the following conditions.

Personal data

2.1 Responsible and recipient of personal data

Nova Joieria Radresa, S.A. is responsible for the collection and processing of personal data on the Web. The Company is the only recipient of the personal data, and these will not be communicated to third parties.

2.2 Nature of personal data

As personal data we understand any personal information (in particular: username, password, surname, name, date of birth, email and postal address) that the Customer provides to during registration on the Website and/or through any message sent to the “Contact” section of the Website. This data, of any nature, will allow us to identify the Customer, maintain correspondence with him and improve our services. When the Customer provides his personal data, he undertakes to answer the questions asked during registration on the Web, and to notify Nova Joieria Radresa, S.A. accurate, complete, updated data that does not harm the interests or rights of third parties.

2.3 Consent

No personal data will be collected without the Customer’s consent. The Customer will be informed in advance of the optional or mandatory nature of the information requested on the Website. In accordance with Art. 9 of the Organic Law on the Protection of Personal Data and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21 approving the Regulations for the development of Organic Law 15/1999 of December 13, the Client has no obligation to transmit personal data to the Company. However, in case of refusal, the Customer will not be able to make purchases through the Web, and the Company will not be able to maintain correspondence with the Customer. Anyway, if the Customer does not wish to receive or continue to receive information from, you can communicate this by sending an e-mail to the following address:

2.4 Customer rights

According to Art. 5 of the Organic Data Protection Law 15/1999 of December 13, any Customer has the right to access, rectify, modify, update, block or delete their personal data, as well as have the right to oppose the treatment of this data for legitimate reasons. To exercise these rights, the Customer can contact the Company via the following email:


The Company strives to guarantee the accuracy and timeliness of the information disseminated on the Web, and reserves the right to correct, at any time and without prior notice, its content. However, the Company cannot guarantee the accuracy, precision and completeness of the information available on the Web, so this information does not constitute a guarantee or a commitment on the part of the Company with respect to the Customer. More specifically, the Company will not be considered responsible for:

  • Any inaccuracy or omission related to the information disseminated on the Web;
  • Any damage resulting from a computer intrusion by a third party that could have caused the modification of the information published on the Web;
  • And, in general terms, all that damage, direct or indirect, regardless of the causes, origin, nature and consequences, caused by any person’s access to the Web or by the impossibility of accessing it ; as well as, the use of the Web and/or the credit attributed to any information coming directly or indirectly from the Web.

The Company applies the necessary means to guarantee the security of the files created with the personal data collected on the Web. However, we remind you that this Company does not control the risks related to the operation of the Internet and insists to Customers on the existence of risks in terms of the confidentiality of the data transiting the Network.

Modification of the conditions

Nova Joieria Radresa, S.A. informs Customers that these conditions may be modified at any time. These modifications are published when they appear online and are considered accepted without reservation by all Customers who access the Website after their online publication.


The present conditions are established in accordance with the legislation of Spain and, in particular, with what is established in the LSSICE (Law on Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce). The Spanish jurisdictions are territorially competent in the face of any litigation related to the use of the Web, except in the case of contrary provisions from Regulation nº44/2001 of December 20, 2000 regarding judicial jurisdiction, knowledge and execution of judgments in civil and commercial matters (Brussels I). Any question that the Customer may have regarding the use of the Website and/or the present conditions, or any request that the Customer would like to address to the Company, can send a message to the “Contact” section of the Web and/or an email to the following address: